Video Topic Descriptions

Safety Moments

General Obligations 
    • explains employer and employee health and safety responsibilities.
Take 5 and Stay Alive
    • explains the five steps of conducting a Take 5.
    • explains what ergonomics is, the effects of maintaining the same posture for lengthy periods and how to set up your computer work station desk.
Drug And Alcohol Use
    • explains how the use of alcohol and other drugs can affect a worker, the possible consequences and what a worker should do if they observe a colleague affected by alcohol or other drugs.
    • explains what to do when you identify a hazard in the workplace.
Slips Trips And Falls (Also in Spanish)
    • explains what slip, trip and fall incidents are, what causes them and how to prevent them from occurring.
Manual Handling 
    • explains what manual handling is, how to reduce the possibility of a manual handling injury and demonstrates correct lifting technique.
Incident Reporting 
    • explains why all incidents and injuries within the workplace, including near misses, must be reported.
Reducing Stress in the Workplace
    • explains what to do if stress is affecting your ability to work.
Safe Workplaces 
    • explains what a safe workplace is, and who is responsible.
Team Lift
    • explains how to successfully undertake a team lift with two people.

Workplace Hazards 

Blood Borne Pathogens 
    • explains what a blood borne pathogen is, who is commonly at risk of exposure and what to do if you are exposed.
Cold Stress 
    • explains how to reduce exposure to cold stress when working in an extreme cold environment.
Drug And Alcohol Use
    • explains how the use of alcohol and other drugs can affect a worker, the possible consequences and what a worker should do if they observe a colleague affected by alcohol or other drugs.
    • explains what ergonomics is, the effects of maintaining the same posture for lengthy periods and how to set up your computer work station desk.
Fatigue Management 
    • explains how fatigue affects workers, especially shift workers and drivers and what to do if you feel affected.
Hand Safety 
    • explains common hand hazards, the use of gloves, and how to care for your hands.
Heat Stress 
    • explains how a person may experience a heat-related illness and tips on how to reduce exposure to heat stress.
Ladder Safety
    • explains how to use a ladder safely.
Liquid Spills 
    • explains what to do when you identify a liquid spill.
Manual Handling 
    • explains what manual handling is, how to reduce the possibility of a manual handling injury and demonstrates correct lifting technique.
Preventing Harassment 
    • explains what workplace harassment is, and what steps an employer can take to prevent and eliminate harassment in the workplace.
Reducing Stress in the Workplace
    • explains what to do if stress is affecting your ability to work.
Sharps And Bodily Fluids 
    • explains the precautions to take if you find a syringe at work.
Slips Trips And Falls 
    • explains what slip, trip and fall incidents are, what causes them and how to prevent them from occurring.
Work Related Disease 
    • explains standard precautions for infection control against disease related hazards in the workplace.
Work Related Stress 
    • explains the three main areas of stress, the consequences and what to do if you observe a colleague showing signs of stress.

Safety Systems and Methodologies 

5S System 
    • explains what the 5S system is and how to apply it to your workplace.
Hierarchy Of Control 
    • explains how to use the Hierarchy of Control to effectively control a hazard.
Risk Assessment 
    • explains what a risk assessment is and the five steps needed to conduct one.
Start Safe 
      • explains the five steps of conducting a Start Safe.
Take 5 and Stay Alive
    • explains the five steps of conducting a Take 5.
Safety Signage 
    • explains the OSHA and American National Standards Institute classification of safety signs and other signage.

Workplace Incidents

Fire Extinguishers 
    • explains what a fire is, the different types of fire extinguishers and what they do, and the four steps to correctly operating one.
First Aid For Employees 
    • explains what first aid is, a workers responsibilities towards the First Aid officer and the First Aid kit and what to do in an emergency.
Incident Reporting 
    • explains why all incidents and injuries within the workplace, including near misses, must be reported.
Incident Investigation
    • explains how to conduct an investigation into a health and safety incident within the workplace.
Near Miss Incidents 
    • explains what a near miss incident is and why it is important to report them.

High Risk Activities

Arc Flash 
    • explains what an arc flash is, what causes it, and the protections to take to keep you safe.
Circular Saw Safety
    • explains the safety precautions to take when using a circular saw.
Compressed Gas Cylinders 
    • explains the dangers a compressed gas cylinder can cause and how to store correctly.
Confined Space - What Is It?  
    • explains what a confined space is.
Confined Space - What To Do 
    • explains what to do before and when working in a confined space.
Electrical Safety 
    • explains basic safety principles to follow when working with electricity.
Lock and Tag Out 
    • explains the dos and don’ts when locking out a piece of equipment.
Safety Signage 
    • explains the OSHA and American National Standards Institute classification of safety signs and other signage.
Tagging Equipment Out Of Service 
    • explains why and how to tag a piece of machinery out of service.
Welding Safety 
    • explains the safety precautions to take when undertaking a welding job.
Working At Heights 
    • explains what to do when working at height.
Workshop Safety 
    • explains what to do to make a workshop safe.

Weather Related

Cold Stress / Prevent Cold Stress 
    • explains how to reduce exposure to cold stress when working in an extreme cold environment.
Dressing For The Cold 
    •  explains how to dress when working in an extreme cold environment.
Heat Stress 
    • explains how a person may experience a heat-related illness and tips on how to reduce exposure to heat stress.

Chemical Use

Hazardous Chemicals
    • explains what a hazardous chemical is, the potential to cause harm, tips on how to reduce exposure and what to do in the event of a spill.
Laboratory Chemical Safety
    •  explains that every chemical is hazardous, reminds not to take shortcuts when handling chemicals and lists the precautions to undertake to minimize any potential harm.


Driving - Cell Phone Use 
    • explains the dangers of using a cell phone while driving, and what you should do if you need to answer or make a call.
Safe Driving
    •  explains what safe driving requirements to observe when driving a work vehicle.


Hand Hygiene 
    • explains and demonstrates  how to wash your hands correctly.
Workplace Ready
    • explains how businesses can implement simple steps to prevent the spread of illnesses.
Working Remotely
    • explains how to make working remotely from home comfortable.

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